What Is Per Diem On A Loan

Understanding the intricacies of a loan is crucial for borrowers to manage their finances effectively. One such important concept is "per diem" on a loan. This article will delve into what per diem on a loan entails, how it is calculated, its implications for borrowers, and answer some frequently asked questions.

Table of Contents

  1. What Is Per Diem?
  2. Per Diem on a Loan
  3. How Is Per Diem Calculated?
  4. Implications for Borrowers
  5. Summary
  6. FAQs

What Is Per Diem?

The term "per diem" originates from Latin, meaning "per day." It is commonly used to refer to daily allowances provided to employees for lodging, meals, and other expenses incurred while on business trips. However, in the context of loans, per diem refers to the daily interest charged on the loan amount.

Per Diem on a Loan

Per diem interest on a loan is the amount of interest that accrues on the loan balance each day. This daily interest rate is important, especially during periods when the loan is being disbursed or paid off, as interest calculations can significantly affect the total amount owed.

Why It Matters

  1. Accurate Interest Calculation: Understanding per diem interest ensures that borrowers are aware of how much interest they are accruing daily, which helps in managing and predicting their overall financial obligations.
  2. Closing Processes: During the closing of a loan, particularly mortgages, per diem interest plays a crucial role in determining the exact payoff amount if the loan closes on a date different from the scheduled payment date.
  3. Prorated Interest Payments: Per diem interest allows for prorated interest payments, which means borrowers only pay interest for the exact number of days they use the loan, rather than a full month.

How Is Per Diem Calculated?

Calculating per diem interest is relatively straightforward. The formula used is:

Per Diem Interest=(Annual Interest Rate365)×Loan Balance

Steps for Calculation

  1. Determine the Annual Interest Rate: This rate is usually specified in the loan agreement.
  2. Divide by 365: This gives the daily interest rate.
  3. Multiply by the Loan Balance: The result is the per diem interest.

For example, if you have a loan balance of $100,000 with an annual interest rate of 5%, the per diem interest would be calculated as follows:


Thus, the per diem interest on this loan would be approximately $13.70 per day.

Implications for Borrowers

Financial Planning

Understanding per diem interest helps borrowers in their financial planning by allowing them to estimate daily interest costs, which can accumulate significantly over time.

Closing Costs

When closing a loan, such as a mortgage, the closing date might not align with the end of the billing cycle. Knowing the per diem interest rate helps in calculating the exact interest due up to the closing date.

Loan Payoffs

For borrowers paying off a loan early, understanding per diem interest is essential to determine the exact payoff amount, including the interest accrued since the last payment date.


Per diem interest on a loan is a critical concept that affects the total cost of borrowing. By understanding how per diem interest is calculated and its implications, borrowers can better manage their loans, plan their finances, and avoid unexpected charges during loan closure or early payoff.


What is the difference between per diem interest and monthly interest?

Per diem interest is calculated on a daily basis, whereas monthly interest is calculated for an entire month. Per diem interest provides a more precise measure of interest for partial periods.

How does per diem interest affect loan closing costs?

Per diem interest can affect loan closing costs by adding interest charges for the period between the last payment and the closing date. This ensures that borrowers only pay for the actual number of days the loan is utilized.

Can per diem interest vary?

Yes, per diem interest can vary if the loan balance changes or if the interest rate is adjustable. Fixed-rate loans will have a consistent per diem rate, while adjustable-rate loans might see changes in the per diem interest amount.

How can I minimize the impact of per diem interest?

To minimize the impact of per diem interest, borrowers can schedule loan payments and closing dates carefully, ensuring that interest accrual is kept to a minimum.

Is per diem interest tax-deductible?

In some cases, per diem interest on a mortgage can be tax-deductible. Borrowers should consult a tax advisor to understand the specific tax implications.

For more detailed information on loan interest and other related concepts, you can refer to Wikipedia's article on interest and Wikipedia's article on loan.

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